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Returns true if a principal has required permissions to access a resource and false otherwise.
Note the principal can be a user, group or a service account.

Request Body required
    subject string required

    the subject to check.
    Example: user:..uuidofuser..

    resource string required

    namespace:uuid or namespace:name of the org or project, and namespace:urn of a resource under a project. In case of an org/project either provide the complete namespace (app/organization) or Frontier can also parse aliases for the same as org or project.
    Example: organization:92f69c3a-334b-4f25-90b8-4d4f3be6b825 or app/project:project-name or compute/instance:92f69c3a-334b-4f25-90b8-4d4f3be6b825

    permission string required

    the permission name to check.
    Example: get, list, compute.instance.create


A successful response.

    status boolean